February 25, 2014

The Elemental Session: Spray Can Kidz

The memebers of Nuu Elementz and friends held its second elemental discussion this past Friday on the topic of the first element of hip-hop, graffiti.

The dictionary term for graffiti means writing or drawings on public walls or services.

The term graffiti has been used since the ancient times in Greece and Rome. The first known example of graffiti is in ancient Greece Ephesus, modern day Turkey. Figure drawings can also be found in the catacombs of Rome.

Ancient graffiti (in red) is covered by tourists' markings inside Rome's Colosseum.
Today, many see graffiti as vandalism or scribbles on the wall. But graffiti is an art. It is an expression.

Graffiti was used to express political statements, or to use as an art canvas.

In the 60s, a big wave of graffiti spread opposing the Vietnam War. Black Panther advocates tagged 'Free Huey' on the walls and against former President Nixon.

Graffiti on a campus wall of the City College of New York reads 'Free Huey', a reference to Black Panther leader Huey Newton (1969)
In the 70s, graffiti was used to warn people of gang territory.

"My mom let me draw on the walls in my room. I chose the colors for my walls," said Rob Drake (@Rob_Yhungfrom Miami, who was 11 years old at the time. "I picked yellow and wrote over it with a black sharpie." He said his mother influenced him with a lot of art. "I wrote my calendar, to-do lists, poetry, everything on my wall."

Jocelyn Brantley (@18UntoldStories) from Harttford, Conn. started appreciating graffiti more when she noticed the art park in Tallahassee.

Railroad Square Park in Tallahassee, Fla.
Elon Matthews (@LonSoCal) grew up in Los Angeles. "When you drive through the neighborhoods, you'll see a lot of different writings." He said that if a gang tagged a wall, it signified that somebody is going to die. "Gangs took force."

Patrice Washington from Orlando said if she could write graffiti right now, she would draw a sunflower. "I love sunflowers. I'll draw it to match my personality."

Jimmy Dickson photo.
Candy Churchill (@Pr1s5yHippie) from Chicago said she would use graffiti to write on court houses in order to bring awareness on certain topics.

There are many differences between east coast graffiti and west coast graffiti. In the east coast, graffiti is more animated with many colors. In the west coast, graffiti is strictly defined.
Both coast writings have to do with gang affiliation.

Writer, Bloch ESE writing West coast style.
Graffiti shows different messages of oppression, community voice, and history. Murals in different areas where urban communities will allow you to remember the people who have come through that neighborhood.

Graffiti is a way to communicate ideas.

"A group of African American students participated in mass graffiti to announce the racism issues going on at their school," said Candy.

You will notice graffiti because it is easy to pick up on. Graffiti is used more for an artistic expression than a criminal act.

Rose Marshall from Tallahassee, Fla. said on the way to the beach in Pensacola there is a bridge filled with graffiti that people are allowed to tag. "It's been there for 50 years or so."

Graffiti is usually seen in urban areas but it has expanded to the suburbs as well. The green electric boxes are usually always tagged with graffiti. "I've seen graffiti on monorails in Miami," said Quint Wilson (@_QTarantino) from Miami.

Jocelyn said the most interesting place she has seen graffiti was on the floor.

You will notice graffiti in places difficult to reach. Elon said that the artists use a grapeline seat. "You strap yourself to the seat and use your upper body strength to go over the water under a bridge and write."

Graffiti depends on social change.

"Our parents generation couldn't do what we can. We're rebellious, they weren't allowed to be," said Rick Moore (@RickiRich) from Toronto.

Graffiti has come a long way from its original roots. Below are a few writings around Tallahassee.

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